A coat of paint can take the appearance of your house to the next level. It has the capability of turning an old house into a brand-new one. But little mistakes in the process that go unnoticed can be very frustrating. Paint bubbles on the wall do not show up until the walls completely dry up. Although tiny, they can mess up the purpose of why you chose to paint.

Is there anything you can do to fix this issue? Of course, yes, there is a solution to every problem. Stay with us till the end to know more details.

What Causes Paint Bubbles?

The most common reason for paint bubbles is moisture which causes it to split into multiple layers. Some other reasons are:

  • Damp walls

The walls of highly humid areas such as bathrooms or basements are damp. The paint does not adhere to the surface well on damp walls, and you can observe tiny paint bubbles.

  • Residue on the wall 

The paint has to dry up completely to get the perfect look you want. Hot and humid conditions prohibit paint from drying up. Other unfavorable conditions that come in the way of drying the walls are dirt and residue. Keep a careful eye on the surfaces until the walls dry completely.

  • Using wrong tools

Make sure to use proper tools while painting the walls. Use a special brush or roller when working on textured walls. Try to match the tools while repainting. Do not use oil-based paints on latex surfaces. There are several other rules that you must keep in your mind.

  • Presence of air in the paint 

If you do not seal paint cans properly, air will pass in. This air pops up in the form of bubbles on the walls when the paint dries up.

  • Skipping the primer 

You should clean the walls well before beginning to paint. Remove all the dirt, textures, and any patches of old paint. Applying primer is a non-escapable step. It will reduce blistering after the walls dry.

How to prevent paint bubbles?

You can prevent paint bubbles by:

  • Cleaning the walls

Always begin the process of painting by cleaning the walls. There must be no signs of dirt or residue. Scratch away all the old paint that still adheres there. Use soap, hot water, and a sponge to remove dirt. Thus, apply prime on the walls, further cleaning up the surfaces thoroughly.

  • Work in an appropriate weather 

Do not work against nature. If possible, schedule painting your house or office in weather that is not too hot and humid as these parameters work against drying up paint. Else you can use humidifiers.

  • Paint the walls patiently.

While painting the walls, slow and steady is the key. Do not rush or hurry to complete the work quickly. You can hire expert painters like YesPaint to get quality work done. If you are doing it yourself, ensure that the walls are dry before applying another layer.

End Takeaway

Scratching the existing paint and redoing it is easier than correcting paint mishaps. Tiny bubbles of paint will destroy the vision of a beautiful house that you had before. You can reach out to experts for hassle-free work.

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